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Pond Law Firm

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About Pond Law Firm

Pond Law Firm

Location & Directions for Pond Law Firm

1650 Lelia Dr Suite 101, Jackson, MS 39216
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Services Pond Law Firm Offers

Bankruptcy Lawyer

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More About Pond Law Firm

Michael has assisted thousands of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 consumer debtors in the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts for the Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi. In addition to representing consumers before the Bankruptcy Court, Michael has considerable experience with civil lawsuits against finance companies, banks, mortgage companies and other lenders who engage in predatory lending practices, having obtained some of the largest settlements in the nation for these types of "predatory lending" cases. Michael graduated from the University of Texas at Tyler with a bachelor's degree in Finance and Economics, and received his law degree "with distinction" from Mississippi College where he was a member of the Mississippi College Law Review. He is nearing completion of his M.B.A. degree as a graduate student at the Else School of Management at Millsaps College. Mr. Pond has also studied at Tulane University Law School. Michael is a Lifetime Member of the Mississippi Trial Lawyer's Association as well as the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.