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Hotpocket Toaster

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About Hotpocket Toaster

Hot Pockets are a staple of the college student and young professional diet. Created in 1983 and a nostalgic lunch item for many an 80's or '90s kid, you can now find Hot Pockets in a range of flavor combinations beyond the traditional pepperoni and cheese or ham and cheese varieties, from sriracha steak to buffalo chicken. But, whether you love or hate them, there's one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Hot Pockets — heat them incorrectly and you end up with an ice cold brick of frozen goo, a burning inferno of lava-like sauce and melted cheese, or a mixture of both. If you're lucky, you'll walk away with no more than a burnt tongue for your efforts.

Location & Directions for Hotpocket Toaster

1893 Hillside Terrace, Akron, OH 44305
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Services Hotpocket Toaster Offers

"Hot pockets!"Just two innocuous words on their own, but when sung... er, make that screamed together as an answer to'What are you gonna pick?" get into your head on repeat — the jingle (if you can call it that) is an instant earworm. Even though you haven't heard the commercial in 25 years, suddenly it sneaks in out of nowhere and you're emphatically insisting "Hot Pockets!" to nobody in particular as you wander your house. And just as suddenly, you're not only craving one, but also reminiscing about your youth.

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5.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For Hotpocket Toaster

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Jerry Monday, November 1st 2021
Best hotpocket is the pizza ones I enjoy eating hot pockets and love the variety of choices they offer. My favorite hot pockets are these premium pepperoni pizza ones with the crispy crust. My family and I are always snacking on these because they are quick fix and packed with tons of flavor. As a busy parent, I look for quick snacking options that my entire family will enjoy and these hot pockets cook in the microwave within two minutes making quick and simple. I love the flavor combination of the sauce, thick slices of pepperoni, and the delicious pockets of reduced fat mozzarella wrapped in a light and crispy crust. These are definitely a big hit in my house and would recommend to others whom are looking for a snack options that will fuel and satisfy their hunger
Re: Best hotpocket is the pizza ones Hotpocket Toaster replied on Friday, November 12th 2021

This is a reply. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Jerry Friday, October 29th 2021
Great service I'm a huge fan of this hotpocket toaster. Cooks them up crisply and perfectly. This is an example of a long review. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sed congue augue, commodo viverra massa. Curabitur sapien massa, vehicula et erat vel, pellentesque ullamcorper magna. Donec bibendum vestibulum sapien. Aliquam molestie, urna eget convallis convallis, est neque posuere nulla, id vehicula justo ante ac nisl. Quisque venenatis turpis tortor, a lacinia risus pellentesque at. Fusce mattis ornare malesuada. Aliquam fermentum sem sit amet condimentum condimentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin viverra velit euismod tortor vehicula interdum. Proin gravida rhoncus ante sed porttitor. Donec at elit tellus.

Praesent finibus lacinia lectus non mattis. Ut at feugiat dui. Duis consectetur tincidunt sagittis. Sed ut est et libero posuere laoreet. Praesent volutpat eget felis vitae malesuada. Maecenas eleifend bibendum convallis. In bibendum, massa nec semper iaculis, diam nulla vestibulum ex, vitae accumsan mi nisl sit amet metus. Aenean maximus dui sit amet tellus porta tincidunt. Fusce placerat dolor in dolor mattis sodales. Cras sed erat faucibus, consectetur urna non, tempus libero. Nam nec tellus bibendum, placerat erat ut, semper libero.

Fusce et tellus ac neque dapibus iaculis. Donec libero nisl, sagittis sit amet tristique in, bibendum et eros. Morbi vitae lacus vel mauris vehicula semper ac in tortor. Ut vulputate molestie enim sit amet ultrices. Integer rutrum augue vel magna ornare, at hendrerit turpis aliquam. Duis ullamcorper ligula at risus posuere accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce enim turpis, fermentum dapibus ipsum ac, convallis semper tortor. Donec consectetur sem nunc, eu faucibus ex vulputate euismod.

Nam mattis rutrum nulla, eu elementum orci blandit quis. Proin lacinia tellus nec nulla vestibulum gravida. Nulla scelerisque leo eu felis euismod, non tincidunt libero cursus. Vivamus congue sed erat ac sagittis. Vivamus at ultrices mauris. Morbi eget metus aliquet, volutpat ex eget, posuere lectus. Aenean ultricies et dui quis dapibus. Mauris sed mi sed tellus faucibus posuere. In suscipit arcu augue, venenatis rutrum ex aliquam et. Pellentesque mattis elit urna, sed feugiat turpis efficitur vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam iaculis nibh non mi blandit, ac tempor neque posuere.

Cras convallis eros quis neque rutrum interdum. In cursus vestibulum cursus. In at felis tincidunt, porta lacus nec, aliquet ligula. Maecenas laoreet nulla vulputate mi blandit porttitor. Nunc vitae pellentesque justo, at aliquet est. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque tempor orci in hendrerit molestie. Proin vitae ligula ante. Nulla tincidunt pharetra felis quis convallis. Sed eget orci viverra, tincidunt justo vitae, pulvinar dolor. Nam nunc massa, varius a eleifend vitae, rutrum vitae urna. Mauris sit amet luctus leo, ac eleifend tellus. Cras ante lacus, pulvinar quis vulputate vehicula, pretium sollicitudin mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce iaculis tristique hendrerit.
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More About Hotpocket Toaster

The Hot Pocket is a frozen snack food that has become a staple in American pantries since it was first introduced in 1983. But what many people don't know is that the Hot Pocket wasn't actually invented in the US — it was created in Switzerland by Chef Michel Morgan. After spending time in the US, he tweaked his recipe and released the Hot Pocket to the American public.

But Americans weren't the only ones who loved their Hot Pockets — the snack was so popular that it was even recalled in the UK in 2011 due to fears of listeria contamination. Thankfully, the recall was eventually lifted and Hot Pockets are now safe to eat in the UK and the US.

For those who want to make their Hot Pocket even more delicious, there's a simple hack that'll help. To get a perfectly toasted Hot Pocket, simply pop it in the Hotpocket Toaster! With adjustable temperature settings and an easy-to-use design, the Hotpocket Toaster lets you enjoy a delicious, golden-brown Hot Pocket in a jiffy. So get your Hotpocket Toaster today and start enjoying Hot Pockets the right way!

Hotpocket Toaster Frequently Asked Questions

Online or in-store, finding the perfect HOT POCKETS® brand sandwich is just a click away. You can search by Product Category and/or Product Name on our Where to Buy page.

If you have any problems with your HOT POCKETS® brand sandwiches or their packaging, please reach out to us so we can make it right. Call or text 24/7 1-800-350-5016. You can also chat live with a representative from our team.

We currently have 37 different flavors of HOT POCKETS® from pizza to drive-thru to breakfast. For a complete list of products, visit our Products page.

While we don't currently have any vegetarian HOT POCKETS®, we do offer meatless options: Four Cheese Pizza Hot Pocket® with Crispy Crust and Five Cheese Pizza Hot Pocket® with Garlic Buttery Crust.

Most varieties have between 9g and 15g of protein per sandwich. You can review your favorite flavor's Nutritional Facts on the back of the box.

Hotpocket Toaster Coupons & Specials

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